On behalf of the Continental Organizing Committee, we are pleased to announce that the International Conference on Neutron Scattering 2022 (ICNS 2022) will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
August 21st - 25th, 2022
Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA
ICNS 2022 will be the 12th conference in a series held every four years starting in 1982, including most recently ICNS 2009 in Knoxville, USA, ICNS 2013 in Edinburgh, UK, and ICNS 2017 in Daejeon, Korea.
The ICNS 2022 will be the largest international platform for sharing and exchanging the latest exciting advances in neutron scattering science, including a broad range of topics.

We understand that life is uncertain right now due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but we hope that everything could go back to some kind of normality next year, and we are planning accordingly. While we remain optimistic that an in-person ICNS 2022 will take place, a preparation for some degree of virtuality is also under consideration. Depending on the evolution of the worldwide situation, we may have to make critical decisions in the next few months, which may have implications on the format of ICNS 2022.
The abstract must be submitted in English. Abstracts may only be submitted online.
You are invited to submit abstracts for either oral or poster presentations.
The final decision on the presentation type will be made by the International Programme Committee.
Please read this information carefully before proceeding to the online submission tool.
Important Dates
Abstract submission period begins: 24th of November, 2021
New Abstract submission deadline: 19th of February, 2022
Authors will be notified at the email address provided during submission whether their abstract has been accepted as an oral or poster presentation.
Abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted.
Presentation Types
Plenary: Well known reputed scientists invited by the International Programme Committee (40 + 5 min; preferably aspect ratio for presentations: 16:9).
Keynote: Outstanding scientist selected by the International Programme Committee (25+5 min; preferably aspect ratio for presentations: 16:9).
Oral communication: 15 minutes for a presentation with an additional 5 minutes for questions (preferably aspect ratio for presentations: 16:9).
Poster: Presenters are requested to create their poster with the following size (90 cms width x 120 cms height).
Using Zoom to Record a Presentation Video
Abstract submission guidelines
Please ensure that you have read these guidelines before submitting your abstract. Abstracts not submitted in this format will not be considered for review.
Please be aware that all required fields must be filled in to complete the submission process.
Step 1
- Select submission topic
- Preferred type of communication (oral or poster).
- Abstract Title
- Keywords
- Abstract text (up to 2000 characters including spaces)
- Click on ‘next step’
Step 2
- Select the number of authors
- Fill the fields with each author information. Mark the one who will be the presenter.
- Click on ‘Abstract Submission’
Your abstract was submitted. A submission code was set to your abstract and you will receive the confirmation by email. On the screen you will see the ‘Author Page’ with the list of submitted abstracts. If you click on the abstract title you will be able to view the submission and also the created pdf file.
If you find any problem with your submission you may go to the previous page (click on author button) and click on the ‘pencil’ icon to edit any changes.
You may make changes until the submission deadline.
Please make sure that your final version is free of errors prior to starting the submission process. The abstract will be reproduced exactly as submitted.
If you need to withdraw your abstract, a written statement reflecting the reasons for this decision must be sent to info@icns2022.org.
Presenting authors will be informed about the date, time and form of their presentation by email.
The submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the presenting author to present the accepted contribution orally or as a poster in the session and at the time assigned by the International Programme Committee.
If you experience any kind of problem or have any queries, please contact: info@icns2022.org.
All participants must pay the registration fee. At least one of the authors on your abstract must register. Coauthors do not need to register unless they plan to participate in the meeting. Once your abstract is accepted, then you will need to register for the meeting. Conference registration fees may be paid online.
The registration fee includes access to:
a) The platform for virtual participation, or
b) In-person participation for the conference rooms, reception and coffee breaks.
Registration Fee
EARLY REGISTRATION (Until June 4th, 2022) |
Regular |
USD 200 |
USD 250 |
Student |
USD 100 |
USD 125 |
Retired |
USD 150 |
USD 200 |
Regular |
USD 600 |
USD 700 |
Student |
USD 300 |
USD 350 |
Retired |
USD 400 |
USD 450 |
Companion |
USD 200 |
USD 250 |
Those registered as VIRTUAL participant can change at any time to IN-PERSON category by paying an additional amount of USD 450 (Regular), USD 225 (Student), USD 275 (Retired).
We expect that limited support will be available to help sponsor students wishing to attend the conference. The deadline for student´s support request is April 18, 2022.
Registration Fee for IN-PERSON participants includes
Coffee Breaks |
RA-10 Tour |
Regular |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Student |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Retired |
O |
O |
O |
O |
O |
Companion |
O |
O |
X |
X |
O |
Payment Methods
By Bank Transfer and PayPal. Details will be given soon.
Topics at the conference will include:
Soft Matter
Biology and Biotechnology
Condensed Matter Physics
Magnetism and Superconductivity
Solid State Chemistry
Life Sciences
Energy and Structural Materials
Functional Materials
Industrial Applications
Cultural Heritage and Archaeometry
Fundamental Science
Neutron Physics
Neutron Facilities, Instrumentation and Software
Dr. John Katsaras, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Prof. Hazuki Kawano-Furukawa, RIKEN, Japan
Prof. Toby Perring, ISIS Neutron Source, UK
Prof. Lilo Pozzo, University of Washington, USA
Dr. Floriana Salvemini, ANSTO, Australia
Prof. Helmut Schober, ESS, Sweden
Karin Bichler, Louisiana State University, USA
Sung-Kyun Jung, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea
Stéphane Rols, Institute Laue-Langevin, France
Elliot Gilbert, ANSTO, Australia
Giovanna Fragneto, Institute Laue-Langevin, France
Norbert Kucӗrka, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia
Christoph Salzmann, University College London, UK
Bruce Gaulin, McMaster University, Canada
Je-Geun Park, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea
Alexander Grutter, NIST, USA
Emma McCabe, Durham University, UK
Olivier Delaire, Duke University, USA
Genki Kobayashi, Institute for Molecular Science, Japan
Peter Liaw, University of Tennessee Knoxville, USA
Vladimir Luzin, ANSTO, Australia
Ren Yang, City University of Hong Kong
Denis Kozlenko, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia
Valentina Giordano, CNRS Lyon, France
Yoshie Otake, RIKEN, Japan
Hassina Bilheux, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Bastian Märkisch, Technical University Munich, Germany
Xiao-Xiao Cai, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, China
Ken Andersen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Alan Tennent, University of Tennessee Knoxville, USA
Mónica Jiménez-Ruiz, Institute Laue-Langevin, France
Thomas Gutberlet, FZ-Juelich, Germany
Goran Nilsen, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
Takenao Shinohara, J-PARC, Japan
Javier Santisteban, CNEA, Argentina
Tianjiao Liang, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, China
Jamie Schulz, ANSTO, Australia
| Chair |Igor Zaliznyak, BNL, USA
Astrid Schneidewind, MLZ, Germany
| Chair |Sung-Min Choi, KAIST, Korea
Rolando Granada, CNEA, CAB, Argentina
| Chair |Despina Louca, University of Virginia, USA
Rolando Granada, CNEA, Argentina

Sponsorship opportunities:
ICNS 2022 has space available for sponsors interested in setting up booths and connecting with the international neutrons scattering experts at the conference. Interested potential sponsors please contact the organizing committee at the email below.
ICNS 2022
International Advisory Committee
Herman Blaumann (RA-10, CNEA, Argentina)
Thomas Brückel (JCNS, Germany)
Fabio Bruni (Uni Roma 3, Italy)
Javier Campo (Spanish National Research Council, CSIC, Spain)
Gregory Chaboussant (LLB, France)
Hesheng Chen (IHEP, China)
Hsiung Chou (National Sun Yet-Sen University, Taiwan)
Maria Teresa Fernandez Diaz (ILL, Spain)
Robert Dimeo (NIST, USA)
Roger Ecclestone (ISIS, UK)
Sergey Grigoriev (PNPI, Russia)
Toshiji Kanaya (J-PARC, Japan)
Despina Louca (Universityof Virginia, USA)
Robert McGreevy (LENS, UK)
Garry McIntyre (ANSTO, Australia)
Kenji Nakajima (JAEA, Japan)
Yoshie Otake (Riken, Japan)
Catherina Pappas (TU delft, Nederlands)
Jose Perrota (Project RBM, CNEN, Brasil)
Roger Pynn (Indiana University, USA)
Henrik Ronnow (EPFL, Switzerland)
Javier Santisteban (LAHN, CNEA, Argentina)
Astrid Schneidewind (MLZ,Germany)
Helmut Schober (LENS, ESS, Sweden)
Jamie Schulz (ANSTO, Australia) | CHAIR |
Valery Shvetzov (FLNP/JINR, Russia)
Susanne te Velthuis (ANL, USA)
Fangwei Wang (CSNS, China)
Igor Zaliznyak (BNL, USA) | Co-CHAIR |
Toshiya Otomo (J-PARC, Japan)
Ken Andersen (ORNL, USA)
Young-Soo Han (KAERI, Korea) -
International Program Committee
Hartmut Abele (TU Vienna, Austria)
Alexander Belushkin (FLNP/JINR, Russia)
Jerónimo Blostein (CONICET, Argentina)
Livia Bove (Uni La Sapienza, Italy)
Dongfeng Chen (CIAE, China)
Sung-Min Choi (KAIST, Korea) | Co-Chair |
Pascale Deen (ESS, Sweden)
Felix Fernandez Alonso (MaterialsPhysicsCenter,Ikerbasque,Spain)
Jaime Fernandez-Baca (ORNL, USA)
Bruce Gaulin (McMaster University, Canada)
Rolando Granada (CNEA, Argentina)
Eduardo Granado (Universidad de Campinas, Brasil)
Mark Johnson (ILL, France)
John Katsaras (ORNL, USA)
Brendan Kennedy (University of Sydney, Australia)
Michel Kenzelman (SINQ, Switzerland)
Sean Langridge (ISIS, UK)
Despina Louca (University of Virginia, USA)
Chuck Majkrzak (NIST, USA)
Flora Meilleur (NCSU/ORNL, USA)
Kristine Niss (Roskilde University, Denmark)
John Tranquada (BNL, USA)
Anna Paradowska (University of Sydney, Australia)
PengchengDai (Rice University, USA)
Marie Plazanet (CNRS, France)
Stephan Rosenkranz (ANL, USA)
Taku Sato (Tohoku University, Japan)
Astrid Schneidewind (MLZ, Germany) | Chair |
Mitsuhiro Shibayama (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Hirohiko M. Shimizu (Nagoya University, Japan)
Lambert van Eijck (TU Delft, Nederland)
Xun-Li Wang (City Univ. of Hong Kong, China)
S M Yusuf (BARC, India) -
Jaime Fernandez Baca (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
Jerónimo Blostein (CONICET, Argentina)
Raúl Bolmaro (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina)
Robert Briber (University of Maryland, USA)
Raúl Carbonio (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina)
Bruce Gaulin (McMaster University, Canada)
Rolando Granada (CNEA, Argentina) | CHAIR |
Sergio Korochinsky (INVAP, Argentina)
Despina Louca (University of Virginia, USA) | CO-CHAIR |
Roberto Mayer (CNEA, Argentina)
Cristiano Oliveira (Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil)
Stephan Rosenkranz (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
On Ukraine Conflict
"The ICNS2022 is committed to continue advancing the equal participation and collaboration between scientists in all countries in its activities and the principle of the free and responsible practice of science."
On Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
"Our goal is to create an inclusive, respectful conference environment that invites participation from people of all races, ethnicities, genders, ages, abilities, religions, and sexual orientations. We're actively seeking to increase the diversity of our attendees, speakers, and sponsors through our calls for abstracts, other open submission processes, and through dialogue with the larger community. We value diversity in the communities we bring together. We strive to provide balanced representation of the richness of our collective human experience, and welcome your contributions to helping us achieve that goal."

Buenos Aires will receive soon a large community of scientists devoted to many disciplines related with the main topics of the International Conference on Neutron Scattering 2022. Those of you attending in person will certainly enjoy a superb conference together with the opportunity of visiting a very cosmopolitan city like Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires is one of the largest cities in South America, limited only by the Rio de La Plata and many autonomous neighboring cities, in a conglomerate that extends far beyond the horizon until reaching the plains of the Argentinian pampas.
Such a geography of almost no natural limits has intertwined with the many cultures, both native and those continuously migrating to our lands, imprinting the feeling of a world without limits, both geographic and culturally. Cosmopolitism and no segregation are the main characteristics of this city.
Different waves of migration provide a colorful palette to the architecture, meals and faces of our people. You may feel sometimes like at home or on the other side of the world, independently on where you are coming from. Walking and running are preferred exercise alternatives for locals. Visit the parks, museums and Rio de la Plata natural reserves and islands; they are a must.
Do not miss the opportunity of enjoying a caffe with “medialunas” (small croissants) on the bars in downtown, or in any neighbor, while having a nice conversation with colleagues and friends. Nights are for dinners tasting international cuisine or Argentinian BBQ (asado) and beef on the many “parrillas” spreaded around the city. Those fond of good wines be aware that
Argentina, combining latitudes spanning more than 20o from south to north with altitudes starting at the sea level until 4000 m, is one of the largest wine basins in the world.
For those expending some more time in our country a plethora of adventures are open beyond the limits of the city. Pampas, mountains, small sierras, glaciers, waterfalls, deserts and wet forests are available, although the size of the country, the eighth in extension in the world, requires a careful planning in advance.
Enjoy the city and friendly people. That is an extra opportunity while coming for serious business.
The Conference Venue – SAVOY HOTEL
Savoy Hotel is one the most emblematic hotels in downtown Buenos Aires, perfectly capturing the historic grandeur and contemporary energy of this bustling, cosmopolitan city. A landmark of neo-baroque architecture and style, our hotel welcomed its first guests in 1910 and has set the standard for gracious service and personalized hospitality ever since. Today, our meticulously refurbished hotel stands as the destination of choice for discerning business and leisure travelers who seek the perfect balance of timeless elegance and modern sophistication in one of Buenos Aires’s most enviable locations.

Savoy Hotel
Av. Callao 181, C1022AAB CABA, Argentina
Tel: + 54 11 4370-8000
Email: info@savoyhotel
About 700m from the Conference Venue
ICARO SUITES (4 stars)
300m from the Conference Venue
300m from the Conference Venue
400m from the Conference Venue
500m from the Conference Venue
The RA-10 is a new multipurpose research reactor that is under construction in Argentina. With a power of 30 MW (thermal) it was designed to achieve a high-performance neutron production to fulfil the stakeholder’s requirements, in compliance with stringent safety regulations.
The principal objectives of the facility are to consolidate and increase the radioisotope production to cover future demands, to provide fuel and material testing irradiation facilities to support national technology development in this field, and to offer new applications in the field of science and technology based on modern neutron techniques.
The project is supported by the National Administration and is conducted by the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA).
The construction stage begun in 2016. Previously, the construction license and the environmental aptitude certificate were obtained, and a social perception study was performed. The first concrete was poured on May 6, 2017. The global advance of the project is 70%. The reactor is planned to be commissioned in 2024.